Article I – NAME
The name of the organization shall be North Dakota Sportfishing Congress, Incorporated and shall be operated as a tax exempt, non-profit organization based in North Dakota and incorporated under the laws of the State of North Dakota.
Article II – OBJECT
The object of the North Dakota Sportfishing Congress is to preserve, promote and improve quality sportfishing in North Dakota.
Section 1. To protect and uphold the rights and privileges of citizens to pursue sportfishing.
Section 2. To unite the manpower and other assets of member organizations and individuals to support selective environment, research and fish management programs agreed upon by formal action of the Congress.
Section 3 To form effective lines of communication between members, governmental agencies and private organizations.
Section 4. To provide information on legislation to promote and support bills, directives, and appropriations that are in the best interest of sportfishing.
Section 5. To support and promote fair and just fishing regulations for all and to support strict enforcement of such regulations.
Section 6. To establish public awareness of the problems and challenges facing sportfishing.
Section 7. To promote the education of all people in the rewards of sportfishing and the importance of boating safety.
Section 8. To organize public support for appropriate government and private programs for the enhancement of sportfishing.
Section 9. To promote sportsmanship and respect for the aquatic resource.
Section 10. To support conservation efforts of all sportsmen and/or sportsmen organizations.
Section 11. To support efforts of appropriate government agencies such as the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, Department of Environmental Quality, etc., when working to accomplish aforementioned objectives, as long as Congress agrees with the objective.
This organization shall meet semi-annually with date and place of meeting to be determined by the Board of Directors at each prior meeting. The annual meeting shall be held no earlier than February 15, but no later than May 1st.
This organization shall be open to any fishing organization or individual subscribing to the objectives as provided in ARTICLE II in the organization's bylaws.
Article V – DUES
Members of this organization shall pay annual dues. Specific information regulating annual dues shall be specified in the organization's bylaws.
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Directors-At-Large. These officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall serve until the next annual meeting. Specific information regarding the authority, responsibilities and election procedures shall be specified in the organization's bylaws.
Section 2. The business and affairs of the organization shall be managed by the Board of Directors. The exact composition, authority and responsibility of the Board of Directors shall be specified in the organization's bylaws.
Section 1. Any amendments to this Constitution must be proposed and discussed at a general membership meeting one meeting prior to any vote on the amendment.
Section 2. The adoption of a proposed amendment requires a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at the time the vote is called on the amendment proposal.
Section 3. The Board of Directors is required to give prior notice to the membership about the general membership meeting when the amendment will be proposed and discussed as well as when it will be up for vote.